Govern Ed deliver leadership development training for Academy Trustees. Our programme is led by experienced National Leaders of Governance, who have strong track records leading governing boards and school improvement in Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs)
The programme is available to the Boards of Multi-Academy Trusts who have at least two open academies. It focuses on the knowledge and skills identified in the Competency Framework for Governance, recognising the differences between the governance of one school and of a Multi-Academy Trust.
Having responsibility for multiple schools acting on a more strategic and geographically broad basis, in a larger organisation, requires Trustees with different knowledge and skills to those of a traditional governing board. The programme will be tailored to the specific needs, challenges and opportunities facing MATs and their Boards.
Each Board may have up to four Trustees participating, at least one of whom should be the Chair, Vice Chair or a Committee Chair. Multi-Academy Trusts may register the Boards of each individual academy for Govern Ed’s programme for School Governors, in addition to the MAT Board taking part in this programme for Trustees.
Don’t miss out – register an interest today!
What do Academy Trustees receive from the programme?
✓ Three face to face workshops covering Strategic Leadership, Effective Governance & Financial Oversight and Educational Improvement, with content uniquely tailored to the specific needs of Boards of Multi-Academy Trusts
✓ A supported self-review to help participants assess their strengths and development needs and those of their Board
✓ The guidance and support of a facilitator with significant experience of governance within a Multi-Academy Trust
✓ Support to create an Action Plan for their Board to translate learning into school improvement
✓ Opportunities to share learning and best practice with Trustees in your cohort
Each workshop will be approximately 3 hours in duration, with a range of accessible locations and timings available. Each cohort will complete the programme over three half terms.
What will Trustees learn?
The workshops are focused on the requirements of the Competency Framework for Governance, which sets out the Department for Education’s expectations for governance, and the leadership skills required to lead a public service.
By the end of the programme, participants will be more confident and knowledgeable in their role as a Trustee, be able to set and articulate a clear strategic direction for their Trust and use school data to hold leaders to account and drive improvement. Trustees will be supported to create an Action Plan for their Board to translate their learning into improvements in governance.